Tuesday, August 16, 2016

SMART Goals 2016 - 2017

Personal Goal : in this school year, I want to speak english more often. I would accomplish this goal by speaking english when I talk to my friends in milk break and try to be friend with people who only speak english and maybe hang out with them 2 times a week. I would accomplish my goal if I got a better grade in speaking and listening.

Social Studies Goal : I want to focus on learning more about culture and history of other countries and be able to describe about their culture and history. I would accomplish this goal by focus more in class and read lots of history and cultures books. The evidence is I would be able to describe the culture and history about the country that I'm learning about

Language Art Goal : For my language art goal I want read more books and be able to summarize the book that I'm reading. I would accomplish this goal by reading 1 book a week. The evidence is I would be able to give a book to in front of the class without having any trouble.

Science Goal : For my science goal I want to be able to complete the game call "Game About Squares" I would accomplish this goal by staying calm and thinking outside the box. The evidence of this goal is by the end of this quarter I would be able to reach level 100.

Math Goal : For math goal I want to be able to calculate faster in my head. I would accomplish this goal by when I'm in math class I focus more and try not to get distracted by my friend. The evidence is I would get an M or E on my test.

Elective Goal : For my elective goal I want to be able to play more higher notes in trombone and be able to read notes faster

Update To My Goal

Personal Goal : In this school year I want to focus more in Math class because I like to talk to my friends in class. I would accomplish this goal by ignoring my friend and I would know if I accomplish my goal by getting better grade in math class.

Social Studies Goal : For my social studies goal I want to focus more on  the history of the subject I am learning about. Usually when I learn in social studies class, I hardest part for me is remembering the history of that empire, and remembering the name of an emperor of an important person that time.

Language Art Goal : In language art I would like to get better at grammar so when I do noredink I won't take a tons of time. I would accomplish this goal by getting better grand in language art.

Science Goal : For science I want to focus more in class because, I sit next to a lot of my friend. So I will get distracted by them, I want won't be able to understand what Mr. Jeremy said.

Math Goal : I want to be able to turn my homework in all the time because sometime when I went home I will not have enough time to do my homework. I would accomplish this goal by having a better score in responsibility grade.

Elective Goal : For my elective goal I want to be able to play harder notes, harder music, and higher notes. I would accomplish this goal by bringing my instrument home, and practice for 15-30 minutes a day. I would know that I accomplish this goal by being able to play all the high notes in the 12 scales

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Gr. 7 2016-2017 Goals

For my personal goal in this school year, I want to speak english more often. I would accomplish this goal by speaking english when I talk to my friends in milk break and try to be friend with people who only speak english and maybe hang out with them 2 times a week. I would accomplish my goal if I got a better grade in speaking and listening.

Social Justice Print

     In art 2 I learned about a technique in art called printing. It’s basically where you get a piece of clay block then you use a tool...