Thursday, February 2, 2017

Identifying Unknown Substance

          1. Chemical reaction is a process where you mix 1 or more chemicals together to created                         another mixture. Just like in science class when I mix baking soda mixed with cream of                       tartar and it became baking powder.

          2. The chemical that make up baking powder is baking soda mixed with cream of tartar

          3. The process to make the mystery powder is to mix baking soda and mix it with cream of                     tartar

          4. We test out all of the materials to identify the unknown substance

          5. The important safety considerations of middle school is not to play around with materials                     because some materials are dangerous. Some of the materials can cause damage to your                       eyes.

Social Justice Print

     In art 2 I learned about a technique in art called printing. It’s basically where you get a piece of clay block then you use a tool...