In art 2 I learned about a technique in art called printing. It’s basically where you get a piece of clay block then you use a tool to crave it out into a drawing you want to print on. Then we each talked about social justice and problems that are going on earth right now. My topic was about environmental damage which is a topic I really cared about. At a young age I go to visit my grandparents often in the southern part of Thailand and I remember the abundant amount of trees. No tall buildings and not a lot of cars. At night I could also see all the stars and sometimes in the morning there would be fog outside of my house. So those images got stuck if me and now that I have grown up, I can still remember those images and often compare them to now. In many parts of the world deforestation has become a big problem. People are becoming more greedier and less caring about the environment. Without trees there’s less oxygen and more carbon dioxide. Which causes global temperatures to rise which leads to many more problems. My purpose for making this art is to get whoever that see this to eventually come to a realization that climate change and global warming is real.