Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Band Reflection

  1. Which adjectives did you choose to convey? Do you think you were successful in conveying those adjectives? Why or why not?
I gave it exciting and fun because in the music there are many whole notes it in. I was successful in choosing the adjectives because the songs were pretty exciting and fun.
  1. How did your first draft compare to your final recording?  Did you make good improvements?  Were you happy with your final draft?
In my first draft, I didn’t really know what was going on in the music and I didn’t know that there was key signature. In the final draft, my tempo was better, I started to know some of the key signatures and improve a little bit. I wasn’t really happy about my solo because I didn't practice a lot.
  1. Which measures or musical elements did you think sounded the best? What sounded so good about them?  Give at least 2 examples.
I think around the last 10 measures I did well because there are not many 8 notes so I can play them easily.
  1. Which measures or musical elements sounded weak?  How could you have fixed them?  Give at least 2 examples that you weren’t happy with.
The measure that I wasn’t happy with is the measure with many 8 notes or the triplet because notes are played differently because of the key signature so I didn’t really know most of the position.
  1. Which measures were the easiest for you to prepare?  Why did you find them easy?  Give at least 2 examples.
The first 2 measure and the last 10 measure. The first 2 measure were easy because there were not many 8 notes in it and the last 10 measure was easy because there were also a lot of whole notes.
  1. Which measures were the most difficult for you to learn?  What made them challenging?  Give at least 2 examples.
If there are no key signature I would of play all the whole songs right, but since I was fooling around and didn’t look carefully I didn’t notice the key signature. So the key signature was the hardest part for me.
  1. Which steps in the learning process did you find the most helpful?  Why were these so helpful?
The clap and count are the most helpful for me because It helps me with keeping the tempo together.
  1. The next time you rehearse a solo, what would you do differently to prepare?

I would pay more attention, and look if there are any change in the flats or in the key signature

This is the link to my final solo :

Monday, May 15, 2017

Shark Tank Final Reflection


Reflection Question

1. Our team has work very hard in this project because we want to be successful. In this we help each other to success for example Adam, he bring  in tools for the project so we can make spinner more faster. Nozomu was also helpful because he help me think about an idea for the comercial advertisement 

2.  A  We work together as a group. I work with Nozomu with the making of the comercial and making of the comercial. Nick, Adam, and Tonpo help each other to build the spinner. Kenny and Captain help each other on the 2D add.
     B  In the group I was good at coming up with an idea
     C  My role in the group was the director for the video add, but when I'm done with my job. I went captain with the 2D advertisement, and help Kenny with the poster. 
     D  I apply the critical thinking skills in my future job and also bring the teamwork into it.

3. My favorite part was phase 2 because we get closer to selling our product, making our product and selling for money.

Social Justice Print

     In art 2 I learned about a technique in art called printing. It’s basically where you get a piece of clay block then you use a tool...