Monday, May 15, 2017

Shark Tank Final Reflection


Reflection Question

1. Our team has work very hard in this project because we want to be successful. In this we help each other to success for example Adam, he bring  in tools for the project so we can make spinner more faster. Nozomu was also helpful because he help me think about an idea for the comercial advertisement 

2.  A  We work together as a group. I work with Nozomu with the making of the comercial and making of the comercial. Nick, Adam, and Tonpo help each other to build the spinner. Kenny and Captain help each other on the 2D add.
     B  In the group I was good at coming up with an idea
     C  My role in the group was the director for the video add, but when I'm done with my job. I went captain with the 2D advertisement, and help Kenny with the poster. 
     D  I apply the critical thinking skills in my future job and also bring the teamwork into it.

3. My favorite part was phase 2 because we get closer to selling our product, making our product and selling for money.

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