Thursday, September 21, 2017

Pinch Pot Monster Reflection


2. The hardest part of this project is making and adding parts like wings, horns, hands, eyes, etc. The easiest part of this project is shaping the clay and letting it dry.

3. The part I didn't like is cleaning at the end of the class because nobody likes cleaning.

4. The part I enjoy the most is when every part of the clay is finished because the clay when it's done looks very nice.

5. Some of the things that frustrate me is having to put slip on over and over again because your monster have a crack in them,

6. If I could add something to my monster I would add and make a better wing because my wings are too low and look very weird.

7. The emotion I'm trying to get across my monster is creepiness and weirdness.

8. I would give my work a 7 because I didn't spend a lot of time on it, some of the parts look weird.

9. I learn pinching the monster is very hard and it takes a lot of patients.

10. I'm pretty happy about my result after all it looks nice and creepy at the same time.

11. I enjoy the project and pinching the clay.

12. My art skill didn't improve and I didn't new skills because my sketch of the monster and the finished result looks completely different.

13. I should spend more time on my monster because I finish before everyone else.

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