Thursday, December 10, 2015

Science Reflection

Science Reflection 

In this quarter I learned many thing about the layer of the earth and know how hot each layer is and the name of it. I also learned the inner core is hot as the outer of the sun. I learned about the three different rocks. I learned about fossil and how it is made.

Monday, November 30, 2015

My First Semester in Band

        In this semester we have a band concern so we are preparing for it. When we prepare and I learned a lot of new things such as how to work in the PAC with other band members. Even tho I didn't get to do the concern but in this semester I learn a lot of new things such as I learn how to use the trombone properly I learn 2 new songs and 8 position.

Thursday, October 29, 2015

Moody Art By Keith Haring

This painting by Keith Harding shows the mood of happiness. I have the same feeling about middle school so far. In sixth grade I am happy because I have a lot of fun playing soccer, when I shoot the ball into the goal it really makes me want to get up and dance like the people in the painting. I also enjoy playing the instrument in band class, it make me feel happy, it makes me imagine that I am on a stage playing the instrument and the people below are dancing. I really like learning in P.E class. When we are doing a badminton match I feel happy when I defeat my opponent. Also when I listen to the music that I enjoy it make me want to dance. I feel happy when I heard the after school bell it make want to get up and do something fun after school.I have a lot of fun seeing good grades in my report class. I really enjoy eating lunch with my friend and talking about some funny moment. I felt happy when I got to tell funny jokes to my friend or listen to their jokes, sometime when I heard their jokes I laugh with all my happiness. I felt glad whe

My Goal for 2015

My Goal for 2015

My head goal is to improve my participation in Thai Class
WHY  : So I won't get in reflection a lot.
HOW : Talk only when I need to. Don't be off task,
WHO : I will get the help from my teacher, I will let my teacher change seat to anywhere he want.

EVIDENCE : I will get at least M’s on my report card for Language Arts, Social Studies and ELD Support class. I will be able to get out of ELD by the end of the year.

My heart goal is to be nice to others and work well with other people.
WHY : When I’m nice to others I work well and when I work well with others It makes the work very easier.
HOW : Give others a chance to talk , listen to them when they speak, and don’t interrupt them.
WHO : I will remind myself to be always trying to work well with others in group and partner work.
EVIDENCE : I will have more friends and work well with others both boys and girls.

My hand goal is to get better at playing drums.
WHY : When I get better at drums my dad is going to buy a drum set for me.
HOW : I will practice harder and more often during lessons and at home.
WHO : I will get the help from my drum teacher.
EVIDENCE : My dad will buy me a drum set and I will have a drum set at my house.

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

First Quarter Social Studies Reflection

First Quarter Social Studies Reflection

In this quarter I learn a lot about Hunter and Gatherers society and City State society I learn about their invention and belief, culture, government, and how they live how they treated their environment, how the environment effect, and the positive effect and the negative effect.

I really enjoyed learning about Hunter and Gatherers and how they develop by time.I also enjoyed when we were watching the video about Hunter and Gatherers.The thing that was easy for me is finding information about Hunter and Gatherers when we are doing the debate.The thing that was hard for me is debating in front of others classmate speaking out loud in front of everyone.In the next quarter I want to work on a speaking skill and not afraid to speak out loud in front of everyone.I also want to work on my participation in class.

Thursday, October 1, 2015

My reflection on my presentation

My reflection on my math presentation

The thing that I think I did well is adjusting the timing but I still didn't do a good job doing it because some of the sides have bad timing and the thing that I think I did well is explaining PEMDAS with my partner.

Monday, September 7, 2015

Language and culture Thailand

Q.1 Democratic Citizenship

By way of a good democratic Thailand.

Head- describe general knowledge about the United States was correct.

Heart- understanding of the roles of individual, family and society.

Hand- behave correctly under the previous baht.

Social Justice Print

     In art 2 I learned about a technique in art called printing. It’s basically where you get a piece of clay block then you use a tool...