Thursday, October 29, 2015

My Goal for 2015

My Goal for 2015

My head goal is to improve my participation in Thai Class
WHY  : So I won't get in reflection a lot.
HOW : Talk only when I need to. Don't be off task,
WHO : I will get the help from my teacher, I will let my teacher change seat to anywhere he want.

EVIDENCE : I will get at least M’s on my report card for Language Arts, Social Studies and ELD Support class. I will be able to get out of ELD by the end of the year.

My heart goal is to be nice to others and work well with other people.
WHY : When I’m nice to others I work well and when I work well with others It makes the work very easier.
HOW : Give others a chance to talk , listen to them when they speak, and don’t interrupt them.
WHO : I will remind myself to be always trying to work well with others in group and partner work.
EVIDENCE : I will have more friends and work well with others both boys and girls.

My hand goal is to get better at playing drums.
WHY : When I get better at drums my dad is going to buy a drum set for me.
HOW : I will practice harder and more often during lessons and at home.
WHO : I will get the help from my drum teacher.
EVIDENCE : My dad will buy me a drum set and I will have a drum set at my house.

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