Thursday, November 30, 2017

Enlightenment Thinkers Chart


Summary of Each Enlightenment Writer

Thomas Hobbes: He thought that people were bad, evil and selfish. They need to be governed by a strict government IF they weren't under control of the government, they would fight and rob each other. This type of government is called absolute monarchy.


John Locke: He believes in the three major rights, separation of power, and the tabula rasa. He believes that people are born with equal rights, everybody was born the same. No one is different from other.


Jean-Jacques Rousseau: He was an enlightenment writer. He writes about political philosophy and social contract theory. He believes that “Man is born free, but he is everywhere in chains”

\\localhost\Users\saidghorayeb\Downloads\Image_4He was a French political analyst. He lived during the age of enlightenment. He is best known for his thoughts on the separation of powers, he believes that power needs to be split among each individual to create a good system of government.

Voltaire is a French enlightenment Write. He was born on November 21, 1694. He goes against the idea of catholic church. He wrote many books attacking the Catholic church. He was famous for philosophy, history, and writing.


Denis Diderot:
He invented the “Encyclopedia” that has 28 volume. The encyclopedia allows people to gain access to information. The encyclopedia contains every information you need. His encyclopedia influences many people.

Mary Wollstonecraft:
She was an English writer and philosopher.She believes that women deserved same rights as men because women can be as better as men can be.  She writes about a vindication of rights of women. She declared that both women and men were human beings and have the rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness,

Friday, November 24, 2017

Womens right

What I have learned so far from listening to my friend's presentation about women's rights in the world is that women in the different country are receiving less right than men. This depends on the government of each country. Most of the country women are getting less money per hour than men, women have worse jobs than men, women receive less attention in society. In my opinion, the worst country to live in if you are women is Afghanistan, Women's right in Afghanistan is, women have no rights at all. They have to ask their husband, dad, or if they don't have a husband or a dad they have to ask their son. Which means that women need permission to do anything. Women can't interact with men unless they get permission, women can't go anywhere without their husband. Women don't have the rights to own properties. Before women in Afghanistan can't even drive but they recently changed the rules. Now let's move on to some of the best countries to live in as women. The best country to live in as a woman is Sweden, Denmark, and Canada. Women in those countries receive almost the same rights as men, in some situations even better. Women in those countries are treated very nicely.

Monday, November 20, 2017

Wire Figure Reflection Project

1. Post a picture of your finished Figure Sculpture from 3 different angles.
2. What part was the hardest/easiest?
The hardest part was taping the tin foil around my figure. The easiest part was painting it.
3. What part of the process did you not like? Why?
I liked all of the processes.
4. What part of the process did you enjoy the most? Why?
The part that I enjoyed the most is when we get to paint.
5. What was frustrating for you? Why?
Taping the tin foil to the figure.
6. What would you add? Why would you add this?
I would add nothing to my figure. 
7. What emotion or action are you trying to get across?
Calm and Lonely
8. What rating between 1 and 10 would you give your art work and why?
11 because it's nice.
9. What have you learned from creating this art piece?
I learned how to bend wires and paint.
10. Were you happy with the final result? Why or why not?
I'm happy it looks nice.
11. Did you enjoy the project? Why or why not?
12. Have any of your art skills improved during this project? Did you learn new skills? Which ones?
YESSSSSS Every skill
13 .Is there anything you could have done to improve any of your work? Explain.
All questions must be answered in complete sentences!

Thursday, November 16, 2017

The Giver

What I have read so far in The Giver.

In Ms.Maria's class, I'm reading a novel called The Giver. This book is about a boy named Jonas in a perfect world. What I have read so far in this novel is Jonas is chosen to be the of receiver memories. His job is to keep and remember the memories that the old receiver has. The old receiver that Jonas to call him the giver. The giver transmits his memories by touching Jonas's back. Transmitting memories is very tiring. In this book, there were many imageries for example when the giver transmits the memories of riding a sled and snow. The author use imageries to describe the feeling of the giver's hand, snow, the snow falling on his face, wind hitting his face, and the cold air around him. I think the theme of this book is the importance of memories.

The Enlightenment

The Enlightenment Reflection
During S.S class in Ms.Maria's class, I learn about the enlightenment and important people in the enlightenment. I learned about John Locke and his ideas. The enlightenment was a time where people stop believing in a supernatural being and start to use logic and science, this made a huge impact on the Catholic church. The enlightenment causes a huge impact on the world and causes better life for everyone. The enlightenment affects our lives today in many ways, this causes a major impact on the scientific world, it causes many artistist to be famous and there are new religion.

Social Justice Print

     In art 2 I learned about a technique in art called printing. It’s basically where you get a piece of clay block then you use a tool...