Friday, November 24, 2017

Womens right

What I have learned so far from listening to my friend's presentation about women's rights in the world is that women in the different country are receiving less right than men. This depends on the government of each country. Most of the country women are getting less money per hour than men, women have worse jobs than men, women receive less attention in society. In my opinion, the worst country to live in if you are women is Afghanistan, Women's right in Afghanistan is, women have no rights at all. They have to ask their husband, dad, or if they don't have a husband or a dad they have to ask their son. Which means that women need permission to do anything. Women can't interact with men unless they get permission, women can't go anywhere without their husband. Women don't have the rights to own properties. Before women in Afghanistan can't even drive but they recently changed the rules. Now let's move on to some of the best countries to live in as women. The best country to live in as a woman is Sweden, Denmark, and Canada. Women in those countries receive almost the same rights as men, in some situations even better. Women in those countries are treated very nicely.

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