Monday, November 20, 2017

Wire Figure Reflection Project

1. Post a picture of your finished Figure Sculpture from 3 different angles.
2. What part was the hardest/easiest?
The hardest part was taping the tin foil around my figure. The easiest part was painting it.
3. What part of the process did you not like? Why?
I liked all of the processes.
4. What part of the process did you enjoy the most? Why?
The part that I enjoyed the most is when we get to paint.
5. What was frustrating for you? Why?
Taping the tin foil to the figure.
6. What would you add? Why would you add this?
I would add nothing to my figure. 
7. What emotion or action are you trying to get across?
Calm and Lonely
8. What rating between 1 and 10 would you give your art work and why?
11 because it's nice.
9. What have you learned from creating this art piece?
I learned how to bend wires and paint.
10. Were you happy with the final result? Why or why not?
I'm happy it looks nice.
11. Did you enjoy the project? Why or why not?
12. Have any of your art skills improved during this project? Did you learn new skills? Which ones?
YESSSSSS Every skill
13 .Is there anything you could have done to improve any of your work? Explain.
All questions must be answered in complete sentences!

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