Thursday, February 25, 2016

Nickname: Top

Habits of Mind
Work Completion


I feel that I did a good job on work completion but still there were some project that I hand in late and sometime I was absent.

I feel that I did a good on my organization I prepare for class but sometime I forgot to bring my stuff in for class.
I feel that I have been talking a lot and didn’t do a good job on being a good role model.I think I need to work on this next quarter

I feel that I did a good job on participation but something I am off task but I think I did a good job on working with my partner.


Slice of Life No. 6

        The Front Flip was something that was hard for me. I did it many at the swimming pool but I fail many time. Here at The Bounce Thailand I did it with Oak. We did a complete Front Flip. It was very fun. I try the Front Flip on a big Trampoline. My back and my neck was hurt because of doing the Front Flip. Now I get to know what it was like to do the Front Flip on a very big Trampoline.

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Tweeting a Chapter Summary from The Lightning Thief

          In Chapter one in the Lightning Thief book. The narrator introduces the book, the narrator said that if you're reading this because you might be a half-blood close this book now. He tell us about Percy and that Percy have ADHD and dyslexia. In chapter one it's about Percy on a few trip with his friend and Mr. Brunner which is Percy's favorite teacher. In this chapter he got to fight with Ms. Dodds.

Math Reflection Q3 Decimals

          In this quarter I learn how to multiply decimals and divide decimals. I learn the rule for multiplying decimals, where to put the decimals and where to put them in the answer. I learn the rule for dividing decimals and I know where to put them.
          In the test I got M. Some of the question I got it wrong because some of the question I didn't round properly and in some of the question I didn't read the direction I just do the problem.

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Slice of LIfe Number 5

          On Saturday I went to Prom's house to play games with Marlon, Oak, TJ, and Nozomu. After along time of playing Marlon invite me to sleep over at Prom's house. First I didn't really want to sleep but after that, I noticed that Marlon and TJ to sleep over and so I decided to go sleep. After that I went to my house to go get my clothes and my self balancing scooter. At night we play game call Zombie Game. The rules for how to play the game is 1 person have to be the zombie and that person is TJ and the rest are humans. The zombie have to close the light and find the humans. If the zombie killed you you're dead or out. When we stop playing Prom and I decided to go sleep. But Marlon and TJ decided to play game. In the morning I wake up at about 7:00 and saw that everyone was sleep. When I get outside I found Prom's sister. She told me to wake them up. She told me that she will use water to wake them up. After that Prom's sister bring me a bottle of water and poor water on my hand. She told me to spite water on there face and so I did. First I spite it on TJ's face. The first time he didn't wake up, but the second time he wake up. Than our next target was Prom. I did the same I that I did to TJ and it work.

Thursday, February 11, 2016

Slice of Life Number 4

          Hmm Humberger!, everything I think of it it will make me feel hungry. Why? because when I am in a hurry I can always buy a piece of hamburger at 7 eleven to go eat on my cars ether when I went to school late, hungry, or going to somewhere else and decided to take a delicious hamburger. My favorite type of hamburger is cheese burger because I like cheese a lot. When I ordered pizza I also ordered cheese pizza because it's has a lot of cheese in it. Also I think a good for hamburger that you could find in bangkok very easily is burger king, in burger king can ordered many different kind of hamburger there are fish burgers, spicy fish burgers, meat burger, and a lot more and there also have many cool bread like the black bread burger. Hmm Yummy (っ˘ڡ˘ς).

Thursday, February 4, 2016

My Hand Goal Reflaction

Hand Goal Reflection

My hand goal is to be better at playing drums and I did because I practiced everyday and on Saturday I went to learn drums to get better at it so now I'm better at playing drums.

Slice of Life Number 3

Day when I light went of

          Today is a ordinary world for me. We were learning in SS class with Ms.Erin and everyone was happy. Than suddenly the light off.
          Ms.Erin said "It's okay I light will be right in a minute" so I think to myself what if the light went off till the last period of the day.
          You know what that really happen. After a while
          Ms.Erin said ,"Let play the chips" and every agree. After  a while, we decide to play another game. The game was called head down thumbs up, the basic of this game Ms.Erin will pick 4-6 people to come up to the front of the classroom and the people that didn't get had to put there head down and put there thumb for the picker the touch. If Ms.Erin said ,"Stand up" the people that their thumb was touch they have to come up and guess who touch them, Well I was one of the toucher so I had made my face very still so nobody will guess on me.

Social Justice Print

     In art 2 I learned about a technique in art called printing. It’s basically where you get a piece of clay block then you use a tool...