Thursday, February 4, 2016

Slice of Life Number 3

Day when I light went of

          Today is a ordinary world for me. We were learning in SS class with Ms.Erin and everyone was happy. Than suddenly the light off.
          Ms.Erin said "It's okay I light will be right in a minute" so I think to myself what if the light went off till the last period of the day.
          You know what that really happen. After a while
          Ms.Erin said ,"Let play the chips" and every agree. After  a while, we decide to play another game. The game was called head down thumbs up, the basic of this game Ms.Erin will pick 4-6 people to come up to the front of the classroom and the people that didn't get had to put there head down and put there thumb for the picker the touch. If Ms.Erin said ,"Stand up" the people that their thumb was touch they have to come up and guess who touch them, Well I was one of the toucher so I had made my face very still so nobody will guess on me.


  1. That was a fun day in class! Well done using dialogue when telling a story. You punctuating the dialogue correctly some of the time. You need to have punctuation with in the quotation marks.
    Ms.Erin said ,"Let play the chips" and every agree.
    should be...
    Ms. Erin said,"Let's play the chips," and everyone agrees.

  2. That game was fun. Your best sentence was: We were learning in SS class with Ms.Erin and everyone was happy. Subject: We. Predicate: Were learning. Great job!

  3. That game was fun. Your best sentence was: We were learning in SS class with Ms.Erin and everyone was happy. Subject: We. Predicate: Were learning. Great job!


Social Justice Print

     In art 2 I learned about a technique in art called printing. It’s basically where you get a piece of clay block then you use a tool...