Thursday, November 30, 2017

Enlightenment Thinkers Chart


Summary of Each Enlightenment Writer

Thomas Hobbes: He thought that people were bad, evil and selfish. They need to be governed by a strict government IF they weren't under control of the government, they would fight and rob each other. This type of government is called absolute monarchy.


John Locke: He believes in the three major rights, separation of power, and the tabula rasa. He believes that people are born with equal rights, everybody was born the same. No one is different from other.


Jean-Jacques Rousseau: He was an enlightenment writer. He writes about political philosophy and social contract theory. He believes that “Man is born free, but he is everywhere in chains”

\\localhost\Users\saidghorayeb\Downloads\Image_4He was a French political analyst. He lived during the age of enlightenment. He is best known for his thoughts on the separation of powers, he believes that power needs to be split among each individual to create a good system of government.

Voltaire is a French enlightenment Write. He was born on November 21, 1694. He goes against the idea of catholic church. He wrote many books attacking the Catholic church. He was famous for philosophy, history, and writing.


Denis Diderot:
He invented the “Encyclopedia” that has 28 volume. The encyclopedia allows people to gain access to information. The encyclopedia contains every information you need. His encyclopedia influences many people.

Mary Wollstonecraft:
She was an English writer and philosopher.She believes that women deserved same rights as men because women can be as better as men can be.  She writes about a vindication of rights of women. She declared that both women and men were human beings and have the rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness,

Friday, November 24, 2017

Womens right

What I have learned so far from listening to my friend's presentation about women's rights in the world is that women in the different country are receiving less right than men. This depends on the government of each country. Most of the country women are getting less money per hour than men, women have worse jobs than men, women receive less attention in society. In my opinion, the worst country to live in if you are women is Afghanistan, Women's right in Afghanistan is, women have no rights at all. They have to ask their husband, dad, or if they don't have a husband or a dad they have to ask their son. Which means that women need permission to do anything. Women can't interact with men unless they get permission, women can't go anywhere without their husband. Women don't have the rights to own properties. Before women in Afghanistan can't even drive but they recently changed the rules. Now let's move on to some of the best countries to live in as women. The best country to live in as a woman is Sweden, Denmark, and Canada. Women in those countries receive almost the same rights as men, in some situations even better. Women in those countries are treated very nicely.

Monday, November 20, 2017

Wire Figure Reflection Project

1. Post a picture of your finished Figure Sculpture from 3 different angles.
2. What part was the hardest/easiest?
The hardest part was taping the tin foil around my figure. The easiest part was painting it.
3. What part of the process did you not like? Why?
I liked all of the processes.
4. What part of the process did you enjoy the most? Why?
The part that I enjoyed the most is when we get to paint.
5. What was frustrating for you? Why?
Taping the tin foil to the figure.
6. What would you add? Why would you add this?
I would add nothing to my figure. 
7. What emotion or action are you trying to get across?
Calm and Lonely
8. What rating between 1 and 10 would you give your art work and why?
11 because it's nice.
9. What have you learned from creating this art piece?
I learned how to bend wires and paint.
10. Were you happy with the final result? Why or why not?
I'm happy it looks nice.
11. Did you enjoy the project? Why or why not?
12. Have any of your art skills improved during this project? Did you learn new skills? Which ones?
YESSSSSS Every skill
13 .Is there anything you could have done to improve any of your work? Explain.
All questions must be answered in complete sentences!

Thursday, November 16, 2017

The Giver

What I have read so far in The Giver.

In Ms.Maria's class, I'm reading a novel called The Giver. This book is about a boy named Jonas in a perfect world. What I have read so far in this novel is Jonas is chosen to be the of receiver memories. His job is to keep and remember the memories that the old receiver has. The old receiver that Jonas to call him the giver. The giver transmits his memories by touching Jonas's back. Transmitting memories is very tiring. In this book, there were many imageries for example when the giver transmits the memories of riding a sled and snow. The author use imageries to describe the feeling of the giver's hand, snow, the snow falling on his face, wind hitting his face, and the cold air around him. I think the theme of this book is the importance of memories.

The Enlightenment

The Enlightenment Reflection
During S.S class in Ms.Maria's class, I learn about the enlightenment and important people in the enlightenment. I learned about John Locke and his ideas. The enlightenment was a time where people stop believing in a supernatural being and start to use logic and science, this made a huge impact on the Catholic church. The enlightenment causes a huge impact on the world and causes better life for everyone. The enlightenment affects our lives today in many ways, this causes a major impact on the scientific world, it causes many artistist to be famous and there are new religion.

Tuesday, October 17, 2017

My Idenity

What is your identity?
I am half Thai/Chinese. I am Christian. I am the son, I'm the oldest brother in the family. I am friendly and a good friend. I am very energetic, but low on energy. I'm very out-going. I can sometimes be quiet and noisy, it depends who I'm with. I'm a bit confident of myself and reliable, can talk to all people.

How does society / environment influence our sense of identity?
Many people are not confident in himself. They act very differently due to their surrounding environment. Many people tried to look cool infront of their friends. Many people tried to copy what actors do in movie.

Finally, would it be better if you could just be yourself at all times? How do you think this would impact those around you?
If you always be yourself all the times, other people would be himself too and you other people will do the same around you too.

Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Roots of the Enlightenment

Roots of the Enlightenment

It started in the Renaissance between 14-17 century. This event made a big impact on the world. There was news belief called Humanism, Humanism values humans, life purpose, love, peace. People started using logic, some people stop believing in supernatural beings for example god. People start getting interested in science, which leads to the scientific revolution. There were many new scientists and new invention. 

Friday, September 22, 2017

Scientific Revolution Presentation

While Ms.Maria was away, I made a presentation and drew a diagram about Antonie van Leeuwenhoek's Compound Microscope. My scientific revolution presentation was about Antonie van Leeuwenhoek's Compound Microscope. I draw a diagram and explain each part and how it works to all of my classmates and let them take notes on their computer. I part I like the most about this project was presenting it to my friends, but I part I dislike is the part that I have to draw the diagram because I'm not a good artist. 

Thursday, September 21, 2017

Pinch Pot Monster Reflection


2. The hardest part of this project is making and adding parts like wings, horns, hands, eyes, etc. The easiest part of this project is shaping the clay and letting it dry.

3. The part I didn't like is cleaning at the end of the class because nobody likes cleaning.

4. The part I enjoy the most is when every part of the clay is finished because the clay when it's done looks very nice.

5. Some of the things that frustrate me is having to put slip on over and over again because your monster have a crack in them,

6. If I could add something to my monster I would add and make a better wing because my wings are too low and look very weird.

7. The emotion I'm trying to get across my monster is creepiness and weirdness.

8. I would give my work a 7 because I didn't spend a lot of time on it, some of the parts look weird.

9. I learn pinching the monster is very hard and it takes a lot of patients.

10. I'm pretty happy about my result after all it looks nice and creepy at the same time.

11. I enjoy the project and pinching the clay.

12. My art skill didn't improve and I didn't new skills because my sketch of the monster and the finished result looks completely different.

13. I should spend more time on my monster because I finish before everyone else.

Monday, September 4, 2017

Mind Mapping The Protestant Reformation

In Social Studies, the cause of the Protestant Reformation was the 95 these and the 95 these were the cause of the corruption in the Catholic church. The impact of this was a split in Christianity, people stop believing in the pope, there was war, the 95 these were spread around the world and people stop paying indulgence.

Friday, September 1, 2017

What I learn this week on Social Studies

This week in social studies I learn about Renaissance and the reformation. We learn about who was the main figure and we learn specific details about Martin Luther, John Calvin, and all the members of the Medici family.In class, Ms.Maria thought us how to make a mindmap. We also went to Mr.Said's class to go make a mind map about the renaissance and the reformation.

Monday, August 21, 2017

What I Learn in Language Art Last Week

Last week in Language Art I learn about Characterization, direct characterization, and indirect characterization. We look at an example of both direct characterizations, indirect characterization and how to define them. We also learn the difference between the two characterizations. We also read the book called Lamb to the Slaughter and Ms.Maria let us find the traits of the two character which is Mary Maloney and Patrick Maloney.

Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Band Reflection

  1. Which adjectives did you choose to convey? Do you think you were successful in conveying those adjectives? Why or why not?
I gave it exciting and fun because in the music there are many whole notes it in. I was successful in choosing the adjectives because the songs were pretty exciting and fun.
  1. How did your first draft compare to your final recording?  Did you make good improvements?  Were you happy with your final draft?
In my first draft, I didn’t really know what was going on in the music and I didn’t know that there was key signature. In the final draft, my tempo was better, I started to know some of the key signatures and improve a little bit. I wasn’t really happy about my solo because I didn't practice a lot.
  1. Which measures or musical elements did you think sounded the best? What sounded so good about them?  Give at least 2 examples.
I think around the last 10 measures I did well because there are not many 8 notes so I can play them easily.
  1. Which measures or musical elements sounded weak?  How could you have fixed them?  Give at least 2 examples that you weren’t happy with.
The measure that I wasn’t happy with is the measure with many 8 notes or the triplet because notes are played differently because of the key signature so I didn’t really know most of the position.
  1. Which measures were the easiest for you to prepare?  Why did you find them easy?  Give at least 2 examples.
The first 2 measure and the last 10 measure. The first 2 measure were easy because there were not many 8 notes in it and the last 10 measure was easy because there were also a lot of whole notes.
  1. Which measures were the most difficult for you to learn?  What made them challenging?  Give at least 2 examples.
If there are no key signature I would of play all the whole songs right, but since I was fooling around and didn’t look carefully I didn’t notice the key signature. So the key signature was the hardest part for me.
  1. Which steps in the learning process did you find the most helpful?  Why were these so helpful?
The clap and count are the most helpful for me because It helps me with keeping the tempo together.
  1. The next time you rehearse a solo, what would you do differently to prepare?

I would pay more attention, and look if there are any change in the flats or in the key signature

This is the link to my final solo :

Monday, May 15, 2017

Shark Tank Final Reflection


Reflection Question

1. Our team has work very hard in this project because we want to be successful. In this we help each other to success for example Adam, he bring  in tools for the project so we can make spinner more faster. Nozomu was also helpful because he help me think about an idea for the comercial advertisement 

2.  A  We work together as a group. I work with Nozomu with the making of the comercial and making of the comercial. Nick, Adam, and Tonpo help each other to build the spinner. Kenny and Captain help each other on the 2D add.
     B  In the group I was good at coming up with an idea
     C  My role in the group was the director for the video add, but when I'm done with my job. I went captain with the 2D advertisement, and help Kenny with the poster. 
     D  I apply the critical thinking skills in my future job and also bring the teamwork into it.

3. My favorite part was phase 2 because we get closer to selling our product, making our product and selling for money.

Thursday, February 2, 2017

Identifying Unknown Substance

          1. Chemical reaction is a process where you mix 1 or more chemicals together to created                         another mixture. Just like in science class when I mix baking soda mixed with cream of                       tartar and it became baking powder.

          2. The chemical that make up baking powder is baking soda mixed with cream of tartar

          3. The process to make the mystery powder is to mix baking soda and mix it with cream of                     tartar

          4. We test out all of the materials to identify the unknown substance

          5. The important safety considerations of middle school is not to play around with materials                     because some materials are dangerous. Some of the materials can cause damage to your                       eyes.

Social Justice Print

     In art 2 I learned about a technique in art called printing. It’s basically where you get a piece of clay block then you use a tool...